The foundation seeks to carry out its functions with technical expertise, impartiality, and transparency. It aims to enhance the quality of learning through the interventions highlighted within this proposal.
Furthermore, GoAfrica Foundation seeks to partner with corporate companies, stakeholders, and government to fund or sponsor its initiatives.
GoAfrica Foundation is led and directed by a chosen Board of Directors, whose members are appointed by the founding members in consultation with the relevant stakeholders.
➢ To establish communities with closer more personal interaction with school authorities, community library managers and learners in order to understand and identify in-depth challenges to learning and formulate appropriate interventions.
➢ To revitalize the education system supporting teachers by offering a complimentary upskilling roles that dovetails into the mainline education system through innovative learning techniques to create students with high moral, academic and social intelligence.
➢ To shine light on the unreached (under poor learning conditions) through mobilization of resources needed in partnership with key stakeholders to improve the system of learning especially in the rural communities and making learning more fun and attractive to the learners.